Our Delivery

Our Team blends traditional & agile methodologies to provide customized user-friendly solutions aimed at strengthening your teams to be better at: managing expectations, making decisions and telling their stories.

  • Cross functionally alignment
  • Ownership & accountability
  • Accessibility & transparency
  • Data quality
  • Timely analytics, reporting & communications

Designed to enable people with varying talents to gain collaborative insight and take action for successful outcomes.


For customized solutions, we’ll begin with an Initiation Phase. Our goal is to understand our clients’ needs and expectations. This first step allows us to get know your organization’s structure, opportunities, pain points, needs and expectations.

We’ll corrdinate an initiation meeting, followed up with questions and a summary packet of our meeting and next steps.

If a second meeting is required, this usually means more information or individuals are required before we are able to move into the Discovery phase.


This phase is an in-depth needs assessment. Typically, this will include a combination one or more of the following: interviews, discussions with key stakeholders, analysis of organizational data and/or processes, walk-throughs, audits (data or inventory), surveys, etc…

The Discovery Phase will conclude with a recommended roadmap for discussion:

  • Recommendations & Needs Assessment
  • Scope definition (objectives, deliverables, milestones, timelines, etc…)
  • Team & Responsibilities
  • Budget

WeSync and our client will then formalize a Project Agreement based on the agreed upon roadmap.

Project Kickoff

A project kickoff meeting will be held to introduce the project team to the client’s team. During this meeting, the project plan, scope, responsibilities, deliverables, timeline and objectives will be reviewed, and any questions or concerns will be addressed.

Communication Plan will be developed that will outline: communication tools, progress updates, meeting cadence and feedback channels. Open and transparent communication is essential to our aligned success.

Success Metrics will be collaboratively developed and will be evaluated through out and at the end of the project to measure progress and outcomes.

Implementation and Execution

Successful outcomes are a product of the entire process, team, communication and technology. We work in collaboration with our clients to implement and execute on the Project Plan, track progress as outlined in the Communication Plan, offer guidance and support as required, and make any necessary adjustments to enhance results.

Project Closure

WeSync and client will review project outcomes to ensure all objectives have been met. Client training and knowledge transfer, as needed, will be provided by WeSync to ensure the success of the project is able to be maintained by our client.

A final report will be delivered summarizing the project, outcomes, successes, lessons learned and any additional recommendations.

While we never like to say goodbye, our goal is for our clients to be left in a better, more successful and sustainable position than when our project began.

Wesync is a boutique consulting team providing advisory, consulting and professional services. We excel in cross-functional solutions and take pride in boosting our client’s long-term growth & profitability.


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